St. Lawrence University


Computational methods for sorting and organizing data can have enormous benefits, especially when there’s a large amount of data to process. Hand encoding, in contrast, can be tremendously labor intensive, yet some types of distinctions that are all but impossible for a computer to make are comparatively easy for a person. Understanding differences between these tagging methods is a crucial aspect of studying Twitter.

TagCloud of Hashtags (Machine Encoded)

FilmThePolice FergusonDecision News ImmigrationAction BREAKING STLTogether cbs protesters woke CNN Respect HBCUs4Justice alert FAIL injustice mich FergusonRiotTips live sa MichaelBrown Occupy p2 UPDATE DarrenWilson ProtestInPeace 108Days tgdn fb AC360 abc 2A obama inequality justice grandjury Fergsuon TamirRice FrancisSlay Mockingjay HTGAWM FergusonLive HowToGetAwayWithMurder niteblue OpKKK MTP Spelman NeverForget 148feet NoJusticeNoProfit HOUSTON factsonly DearFerguson on MH370 FergusonNovember JusticeForMichaelBrown JusticeForMikeBrown lgbt protest MikeBrownMeans besafe GrandJuryDecision MarissaAlexander KHOU UnionSquare FoxNews tlot smh TooManyToName HoodsOff FTP Missouri DanIsom Bullshit republicans none Hagel wpxi staywoke HandsUpDontShoot BillCosby martiallaw ShutItDown Peacefully VerdictDay MikeBrown tcot Castle Unbelievable IndicttheSystem FOX13 runforjustice knowyourrights TheLead DONTSHOOT IndictDarrenWilson Seattle DarrenWilsonVerdict WATCH NoPhoneCall FreeMarissa CNRapp freedomofspeech history BlackPanic Atlanta FergusonRiotTrips PantsUpDontLoot Fox BlackTwitter JordanDavis CashinIn IndictTheCop Shaw OfficerWilson anarchy UnitedWeWin merica fergusongrandjurydecision DEM VerdictOutcome wcvb RedNationRising Sitroom peace lnyhbt Cleveland Ohio disrespect FergusonPHL FergusonEverywhere oakland ShantelDavis Morehouse OpFerguson Uniteblue GovNixon whitesupremacy Reuters Clayton GuardianCam changePenang politics Boston US FergusonVerdict JayNixon racist PoliceState TrayvonMartin pjnet indictwilson standup4mike StLouis AkaiGurley MTVStars nbc riot Chicago msnbc OneLove indictment mikebrownverdict GOP NYPD OpDefense Pray4Ferguson boil BreakingNews WTF StreamTeam AnonymousOpFerguson USA anonymous justsaying priorities hate nojusticenopeace solidarity police MLK ccot BlackLivesMatter SleepyHolla nixon caring Palestine FreeTheHLF5 United wontendwell Manipulation LifeofJulia ThugMentality KKK nerdland Chi2Ferguson STANDFORSOMETHING FergusonAction gretawire FergusonGrandJury libcrib TheDecision verdict Thanksgiving ff Ouch insane SleepyHollow PrayersForFerguson HumanRights Holder NYC rome Sad NY Ebola STL LAPD prayforferguson FergusonMissouri icant racism StopObamasAmnesty HappeningNow ArrestDarrenWilson prayforSTL handsup StevenAlex01 wilson GrandJuryVerdict America inners Ferguson cantrussit teaparty EyesOnFerguson MO Pittsburgh politicsnation FoolsErrand pray RekiaBoyd policebrutality Gruber BlackFriday riots ACAB PrayForPeace RIPMikeBrown Trayvon