I think this #Ferguson presser is an attempt to warn people to stand down or govt use force. Preemptive justification. #Anarchy #MartialLaw
I think this #Ferguson presser is an attempt to warn people to stand down or govt use force. Preemptive justification. #Anarchy #MartialLaw
I think this #Ferguson presser is an attempt to warn people to stand down or govt use force. Preemptive justification. #Anarchy #MartialLaw
I think this #Ferguson presser is an attempt to warn people to stand down or govt use force. Preemptive justification. #Anarchy #MartialLaw
RT @Fingersflying: #CCOT How to Avoid Being Sent to a FEMA Camp #Ferguson #martiallaw #FEMA #Tcot #PJnet
RT @Fleming_Zoller: I think this #Ferguson presser is an attempt to warn people to stand down or govt use force. Preemptive justification. …
RT @jdame69: Forecast looks nice for chaos and unrest in Ferguson this weekend. #tcot #weather #martiallaw @thetrueoorah @mkues65 http://t.…
#Ferguson will be a pure example of how #martiallaw can go in effect. #firstworldproblems
RT @Fingersflying: #CCOT How to Avoid Being Sent to a FEMA Camp #Ferguson #martiallaw #FEMA #Tcot #PJnet
Instead of plans to embrace #Ferguson, they plan to attack! #civilwar #martiallaw we dont agree! energetic #civil disobedience of millions!
RT @KattMckinney: Instead of plans to embrace #Ferguson, they plan to attack! #civilwar #martiallaw we dont agree! energetic #civil disobed…