Watching @CNN #SITROOM waiting to see the Grand Jury's decision on #Ferguson
Watching @CNN #SITROOM waiting to see the Grand Jury's decision on #Ferguson
#Ferguson #sitroom #cnn Maybe it's just me but I feel like this CNN conference is to brace everyone that he won't be charged. just saying
#SitRoom #rolandmartin pure nonsense #Ferguson if a white kid got shot n killed By a black officer the same way he'd be lynched
I'm watching #CNN awaiting the grand jury announcement #Ferguson @wolfblitzer #sitroom
#sitroom I see CNN is wall 2 wall, fanning the flames tonight in #ferguson
Waiting for this Grand Jury decision on Ferguson. #Ferguson #GrandJuryDecision #CNN #nationalguard #sitroom @wolfblitzer #onemorehour
#SitRoom #rolandmartin #Ferguson if the verdict in not to indict wilson that means everything blacks stand for means nothing.
#Ferguson #Sitroom with all the witnesses and forensics saying brown had his hands up how can they possibly not indict wilson.