St. Lawrence University

Iqra's Method 2- Online Participant Observations

Iqra Khan

For my second Method assignment I followed the hashtag #OurThreeBrothers. This hashtag rose after three bodies of African American Muslims were discovered in a house in Indiana.

Brett, Method -1 Exploring Data in Pulsar: Filtering and Word Clouds

Brett McCormack

Professor Barnard
Twitter and Society

Chyron, Method -1 Exploring Data in Pulsar: Filtering and Word Clouds

Chyron Brown-Wallace

Question: How would the twitter community react to the shooting of Mike Brown a year after the shooting? How has Ferguson coped? Is there still a buzz for justice from the people in Ferguson ?

Taylor's Method 1- Exploring Data in Pulsar: Filtering and Word Clouds

Taylor Draper

Question: What other content is mentioned in the tweets that state "black" or "white"? How are tweeters using these terms in response to the Ferguson shooting of Mike Brown by Darren Wilson?


Methods 1: Exploring Data in Pulsar: Filtering and Word Clouds

William Groves

Question: What were the initial reactions regarding protests (organization/groups) and what were “facts” about the shooting that have since changed?

Analysis of Word Cloud:

Amanda, Method 1-Exploring Data in Pulsar: Filtering and Word Clouds

Amanda Hamilton

Question: When discussing the demonstrations in the month following the death of Michael Brown (August 7th-September 7th), did the twitter community refer to and view the demonstrations as riots or protests? When the protests were discussed what popular topics were touched on?

Emily Balter's Method 1: Exploring Data in Pulsar: Filtering and Word Clouds

Emily Balter

Question: How does filtering in users from the U.S. aged 18-24 and the use of videos/images on posts impact the keywords and content of tweets that have been posted from when Michael brown was shot (August 9, 2014) until a week later (August 16)?

MacKenzie's Method 1- Exploring Data in Pulsar: Filtering and Word Clouds

MacKenzie Juda

Question: What are the differences between those within Ferguson and those just outside of Ferguson with regard to what they tweeted about the events in Ferguson?

Iqra's Method 1- Exploring Data in Pulsar: Filtering and Word Clouds

Iqra Khan

Question: How did the Ferguson incident provoke people to express their opinion about the social justice system in America? 

Alita's Method 1- Exploring Data in Pulsar: Filtering and Word Clouds

Alita Rogers

Question: How reliable are the sentiment indicators pertaining to the tweets when the grand jury decision came out (November 25th- present)?