RT @rConflictNews: To be clear: All who spoke at @GovJayNixon's presser said they do NOT know the decision reached by grand jury. #Ferguson…
RT @rConflictNews: To be clear: All who spoke at @GovJayNixon's presser said they do NOT know the decision reached by grand jury. #Ferguson…
RT @ColorOfChange: Press asks: "Would a lack of indictment be a green light sanctioning police violence against Black people across the cou…
#nfl & #KCChiefs promoting Chiefs For Peace free tix tshirts PSLs if #Ferguson "stays calm" after #FergusonVerdict
RT @MiaFarrow: Why did they wait until nighttime to announce the verdict? #Ferguson
RT @MotherJones: Exactly how often do police shoot unarmed black men? #Ferguson
RT @cnnbrk: Ferguson-Florissant School District cancels classes Tuesday as #Ferguson grand jury announcement nears.
RT @Gunservatively: BREAKING: due to potential violence, the #Ferguson First Aid for Self Inflicted Wounds class scheduled for this evening…
Scenario #1: No justice for Michael Brown, let's riot. Scenario #2: Justice was served for Michael Brown, let's riot. #Ferguson
Praying for Peace. #Ferguson #FergusonDecision
RT @HillaryCrosley: The #ferguson hashtag is telling me (on a airport runway) that Mo.'s fuckshit continues and the Mayor is looking foolis…