@Jonooooo who are you taking in your #fergusonriot draft? #Ferguson
@Jonooooo who are you taking in your #fergusonriot draft? #Ferguson
@lindsfraz @ksdknews @FergFlorSchools @SWICedu Man, who would have guessed the schools would let out as planned for #Thanksgiving #Ferguson
RT @votolatino: These men ran 550 miles from Atlanta to #MikeBrown's memorial in #Ferguson. http://t.co/fUq8IGXifr #UnitedWeWin http://t.co…
RT @MotherJones: Exactly how often do police shoot unarmed black men? http://t.co/TrTw6yI27Z #Ferguson http://t.co/QlrrCqUduV
RT @bassem_masri: The revolution in #Ferguson will be tweeted
I think #Ferguson is going to go off if he's not indicted. They are wrapping, covering and boarding up stores and other things.
RT @harleybluesFab4: With so heavy police presence, Police, Swat, National Guard, won't this incite more violence against the protesters? #…
RT @AG_Conservative: Honestly, there should be zero tolerance for anyone who reacts to tonight's #Ferguson announcement with violence.
@abp_carlson the gospel calls for more than peace. the gospel demands we work for social justice. #ferguson #mikebrown #socialjustice
RT @alicatninja The precautions they're putting into place in #Ferguson tell me all I need to know about the grand jury decision.