RT @140elect: #Ferguson is 67.4% black, the grand jury is 75% white.
RT @140elect: #Ferguson is 67.4% black, the grand jury is 75% white.
RT @shushugah: Tonight is when the #KKK takes off their hoods, and puts on their badges and blue jackets. Stay safe #Ferguson. No Justice, …
RT @mashable: Missouri @GovJayNixon responds to reporter's question asking if police will use tear gas & armored vehicles http://t.co/IT7j0…
RT @36lighters: don't be surprised if Darren Wilson get away with murder #Ferguson
RT @deray: I love that this man just interrupted the press conference. Nixon is NOT PREPARED. And this question is DEEP. #Ferguson
If you don't know what's going on in #Ferguson you need to read up now and not be an ignorant member of society
#FergusonDecision #Ferguson #FergusonRiotTips #Poltwt #OpFerguson ISRAEL DID 9-11 http://t.co/JGamMvcyqe
So much to say and so few characters... #Ferguson
RT @harikondabolu: The #Ferguson grand jury isn't deciding if Darren Wilson is guilty, but if a Black man's murder is even worth further di…
POTUS: Can't Touch This http://t.co/C583BrEfVl #libcrib #tcot #tlot #uniteblue #ferguson #hardball