Blood on the leaves. Still. In 2014. In your post-racial "we're all just humans"- America. Open your eyes. #Ferguson
Blood on the leaves. Still. In 2014. In your post-racial "we're all just humans"- America. Open your eyes. #Ferguson
RT @felicianista: .@GovJayNixon protecting speech comes after protecting property. Got it. #Ferguson
RT @deray: It's incredible how nobody talks about Mike Brown in these press conferences. But they talk about property. Tons. #Ferguson
RT @deray: Where is Capt. Johnson? #Ferguson
RT @occupythemob: For every officer in #Ferguson that acts unlawfully will be put through every pipe of the world wide Internet within sec…
Want a spoiler or would you prefer to wait? #Ferguson
RT @profblmkelley: I reiterate MY call for justice... #Ferguson
RT @TedHallerFox9: Missouri Governor says decision to delay announcement until 8:00 at night was made by prosecutor. Would not explain furt…
@deray #Ferguson Brutality never. Profit&property will always trump people by those in power. Militarized police serve the powerful.
RT @fox13now: Woman 'jokingly' waving gun says, "We're ready for #Ferguson," & accidentally shoots self in the head, dies.…