RT @ShimonPro: National guard now present in Clayton where the prosecutor will announce grand jury decision #ferguson
RT @ShimonPro: National guard now present in Clayton where the prosecutor will announce grand jury decision #ferguson
Can't stop watching the #Drama in #Ferguson unfold. Why are they waiting so long to make the announcement?
What can the church say in the face of #Ferguson? To say nothing is sin.
The #Ferguson jury decision announcement is imminent. Set for 8pm CT/9pm EST
Let's see if black people will get justice with the Mike Brown case #Ferguson #MikeBrown
RT @drumbeats4peace: These words so long ago yet so appropriate tonight. #Ferguson
Governor urges tolerance, respect & restaint ahead of #Ferguson grand jury Michael Brown announcement Media urges violence for 'money shot'
RT @shomaristone: Fact: #Ferguson GrandJury is 9 whites & 3 blacks. Cop Darren Wilson can be charged w/ murder, manslaughter or not charged…
RT @Nuri1974: “@LouisFarrakhan: In #Ferguson, everybody is on edge. White folks ain't never been on edge after they killed a Black man.”
@EJDionne @JamilSmith unbelievably stupid. #Ferguson