RT @VivianHo: Important @demianbulwa story as we wait for #Ferguson: Only 17 cops charged w/ murder in 20 years. None convicted. http://t.c…
RT @VivianHo: Important @demianbulwa story as we wait for #Ferguson: Only 17 cops charged w/ murder in 20 years. None convicted. http://t.c…
#Ferguson is heaven for race baiters
RT @koeselitz: Request to those in #Ferguson planning to get violent tonight: please display your name & badge numbers prominently so we kn…
RT @jncatron: For the best news from #Ferguson, subscribe to @shawncarrie's curated list of residents and journalists:…
RT @ProfKori: Gov Nixon had nothing to say abt police being on best behavior. All abt protestors' (presumed) behavior & protecting property…
RT @TeaPartyCat: Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon telling black people not to get upset about random police murder. #Ferguson
RT @lifewithRoozle: Hey white people, don't forget: if you don't know what to say, amplify Black voices. RTs are more powerful than favorit…
RT @TheDailyShare: As #Ferguson awaits a decision from grand jury, here's what officer #DarrenWilson is facing: http…
RT @BettyBowers: Whether #Ferguson and racism or 9-11 and terrorism, America always fixates on the theater of results rather than the drudg…
Why in the world would they announce an indictment decision at 9:00 at night. What do they think is going to happen? #Ferguson