RT @mazzie: Yup. St. Louis MAYOR just said their FIRST CONCERN is to protect people who DISAGREE with protestors. #whitesupremacy #Ferguson
RT @mazzie: Yup. St. Louis MAYOR just said their FIRST CONCERN is to protect people who DISAGREE with protestors. #whitesupremacy #Ferguson
RT @TheRevBobLevy: If #Ferguson police announce the verdict at night they are the dumbest mother FUCKERS on this planet. Otherwise he must …
RT “@FOX2now: Crowd grows to about 100 at #Ferguson police department”
RT @cmclymer: "We don't want anyone to shoot and kill someone out of fear." With all due respect, shouldn't you be saying this to the poli…
RT @deray: He just said the National Guard will be at police stations, fire stations, and other critical locations. Y'all. America. #Fergus…
The Truth In #Ferguson Is That People Are Going To Die Tonite
RT @chescaleigh: but what was the point of that press conference other than to tell us how important property is and to barely mention Mike…
Ferguson gold & guns smuggled out while BlackPanther "stole guns" same day #coincidence I think not!: #Ferguson.
It's not an imbalance of the justice system it's an imbalance of who commits the crimes. #Ferguson
RT @handsupunited_: Grand jury decision to be released at 8PM CT tonight, according to prosecutor's office. Please stand with us once it's …