@KatyOregon Precisely why #ferguson is relevant here at home #BlackLivesMatter Cops like Storm and Kruger need to go.
@KatyOregon Precisely why #ferguson is relevant here at home #BlackLivesMatter Cops like Storm and Kruger need to go.
RT @MusicOverPeople: We urge him to shut the fuck up RT @Reuters BREAKING: President Obama urges those who wish to protest in #Ferguson to …
RT @emarvelous: Dooley: Now is the time to show the world that we can act without being destructive. #Ferguson
RT @DrayaFace: Jesus watch over the streets of #Ferguson
RT @sarahkendzior: Michael Brown's death did not divide #STL. Was already divided, unequal. Any step toward unity means acknowledging that.…
RT @VanJones68: "Regardless of the outcome, this entire process has been a farce, inside a cruel joke, wrapped in an insult." @VanJones68 #…
RT @MiaFarrow: Tense. Painful. Stay safe in #Ferguson
#SitRoom #rolandmartin #Ferguson if the verdict in not to indict wilson that means everything blacks stand for means nothing.
RT @jelani9: I asked Gov. Nixon if they ruled out use of armored vehicles and tear gas. He said would not discuss operational details. #Fer…
RT @geebby_x: if he isnt being charged with anything , all hell will break loose in #Ferguson another RodneyKing situation.. smh