RT @TheAnonMessage: NEWS: 12 sit on the grand jury: 9 white, 3 black...9 votes needed for an indictment. #Ferguson #IndictTheCop
RT @TheAnonMessage: NEWS: 12 sit on the grand jury: 9 white, 3 black...9 votes needed for an indictment. #Ferguson #IndictTheCop
RT @deray: National Guard is providing utility sub station security. Nixon hints that protestors caused the power outtage in October. Wow. …
So @WUSTL closes its West Campus but not the main campus less than 1 mile away #Ferguson
RT @SoulRevision: WOW!! Bold faced lie by @CharlieADooley, "thousands came to #Ferguson in Oct & no one was hurt" LIES!…
RT @betochicano: The Grand Jury's decision will open a new chapter in American history. The question: Do they lives of people of color matt…
RT @TeaPartyCat: Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon telling black people not to get upset about random police murder. #Ferguson
“@stlpublicradio: The press conference with @GovJayNixon has concluded. #Ferguson” they started asking tough questions.
What if they gave a riot and no one came?? #Ferguson
RT @Breaking911: BREAKING: LAPD confirms police are on citywide tactical alert ahead of #Ferguson announcement http:…
RT @WOOBCUDI: Smh this is sad #Ferguson