Sunderland Family Correspondence
Date | Location | Excerpt | Image |
August 29, 1863 | Stevenson, AL |
"Friend Darwin:
Your kind letter is received. I am very thankful for your service [bravery?] and regret that I did not receive the letter of... |
September 27, 1863 | Chattanooga, TN |
"Mrs. Albert Sunderland: Respected Madam: In this general lull of operations following the terrible... |
October 18, 1863 | Chattanooga, TN |
"Friend Darwin: I fear you will think me a very poor correspondent if I don’t write more regularly, but the fact is that I have been... |
Date | Location | Excerpt | Image |
June 26, 1864 | New Orleans, LA | "It was hard for me to believe that poor Darwin was dead but I suppose I must. It is a place we must all go sooner or later. Thare [there] is one... | |
October 27, 1864 | Oswegotchie, NY | "I have not hird [heard] from Johny since two weeks before you[r] Mother and Austin was down but I sent the letter that your mother had" |