Digital Collections @ St. Lawrence University

Works by Jones, Doug

Pond Construction Courtesy of the Beavers
Porch Photograph porch
Porch Portrait of Birdsfooters group photograph, porches
Potato Seed Pieces organic farming, planting, potatoes
Potatoes organic farming, potatoes
Procesing Honey homesteading, honey
Pushing a Cart Past the Log House architecture, buildings, carts, cows
Putting in a New Floor Upstairs in the Main House building
Putting Up New Siding on the Main House architecture, building
Re-dedication of the Medicine Wheel herbs, medicine wheel
Riding with the Herd cows
Ripe Sweet Onions Drying on Edge of Terrace harvest, onions, organic farming, post-harvest
Root Cellar food storage, root cellars
Rosa dogs, pets
Running the Combine combines, organic farming
Running the Combine combines, tractors
School Site community school
Shelling Popcorn corn, popcorn
Speedlings of Lettuce greens, lettuce, planting, seedlings
Spinach Harvest harvest, organic farming, spinach
Splitting Firewood at Big Dog architecture, firewood, heating with wood, shelter
Still Life of Asparagus asparagus, mulch, organic farming
Still Life with Garden Tools appropriate technology, tools
Sunchokes at the Washstand in Wintertime jerusalem artichokes, organic farming, season extension, sunchokes
Sweetclover, Vetch and Spinach cover crops, green manure, spinach, sweetclover, vetch
Taking Down a Tree at Birdsfoot architecture, dwellings, porches, trees
Terraced Gardens from Roof erosion control, organic farming, terraces
The 100 Yard Weed Sprinters, On Your Mark... cultivation, organic farming, weeding
Three men standing in field organic farming
Threshing Spinach Seeds seeds, spinach, threshing
Tile Draining Terraces drainage, organic farming, terraces
Tomatoes in Handcart handcarts, tomatoes
Tomatoes Mulched mulch, tomatoes
Topset Garlic in August garlic, organic farming
Tour of Local Farm onions, potatoes
Tractor Ride gatherings, tractors
Transplanting Onions organic farming
Tree Nearly Felled by Beavers beavers, trees
Tree Planting trees
Tree View of Gardens in Late June organic farming
two people playing in field
Various Deer Control Methods deer control, organic farming
Vetch cover crops, green manure, organic farming, vetch
View of the Fields organic farming
Visiting gatherings
Visiting on the Birdsfoot Porch architecture, porches
Visiting on the Porch dogs, porches
Visiting on the Porch gatherings, porches
Washing Carrots at the Washstand basil, organic farming
Washing Jerusalem Artichokes harvest