Digital Collections @ St. Lawrence University

Works by Jones, Doug

Leek Harvest Fun harvest, leeks, organic farming
Lettuce and Drip Irrigation drip irrigation, irrigation, lettuce
Lettuce and Tomatoes Interplanted and Under Row Cover lettuce, organic farming, row covers, season extension, tomatoes
Little River School alternative schools
Log House as Greenhouse architecture, buildings, greenhouse, season extension
Making a Burdock Bed burdock, cultivation, organic farming
Making a Parsnip Bed organic farming, parsnips, planting, seeding
Making Music gatherings, music, porches
Making Music gatherings, music, porches
May Eve may celebrations
May Eve may celebrations
May Pole Celebration may pole
Maypole may celebrations, Maypole
Maypole Celebration may celebrations, Maypole
Medicine Wheel herbs, medicine wheels
Medicine Wheel herbs, medicine wheels
Melon Vines in Sunlight melons, organic farming
Melons in Sunlight melons, organic farming
Melons in the Fall – Earlidew, Pulsar, Sweet Favorite melons, organic farming
Mixed Greens greens
Mowing Alfalfa Clover Cover Crop cover crops, green manure, soils, tractor
Mulched Garlic garlic, mulch
Mulched Tomatoes at Birdsfoot Farm mulch, organic farming, tomatoes, trellising
Mulching Tomatoes mulch, tomatoes
Multi-Flora Sunflowers flowers, organic farming
Music at a Gathering
Onion Harvest harvest, onions, organic farming
Opalka Tomatoes organic farming, tomatoes
Organizing Seeds organic farming, seeds
Out Cutting Cedar for Fence Posts fencing, woodlot
Out Hiking hiking, woods
Outside Near Columbine architecture
Overwintered Garden Beds organic farming
Party by the Porch gatherings, music
Party with Big Dog at Birdsfoot gatherings
Peeling Fence Posts fences
Photograph - Aerial aerial
Photograph - Aerial aerial
Photograph - Aerial aerial
Picking Basil basil, harvest, organic farming
Picking Cucumbers and Squash cucumbers, harvest, squash
Picking Green Beans green beans, organic farming
Picking Trellised Slcing Tomatoes with Bad Early Blight disease, organic farming, tomatoes
Pink House architecture, buildings
Pink House architecture, buildings
Pink House architecture, buildings, dwellings
Planting Garlic and Using a Wheelhoe to Cover garlic, organic farming, planting
Playing Banjo banjo, music