RT @Tdav91: Let's go to Ferguson @Bquick3 @s_doug10
RT @Tdav91: Let's go to Ferguson @Bquick3 @s_doug10
RT @vicenews: We talk to a wine store owner in Clayton, Mo. as he prepares for the grand jury decision: http://t.co/f7lpFM4m3u http://t.co/…
RT @IngaNandiwillis: White Fear is the #1 killer in America. Period. its phone calls can get you killed in Walmart or on the streets of Fer…
Ferguson is too live right now...
I just hope the blacks of Ferguson don't loot or destroy their own neighborhoods. It's stupid to destroy your own neighborhood
RT @scottbix: Population of Ferguson, Missouri: 21,135 Number of arrest warrants issued for nonviolent offenses in 2013: 32,975 http://t.c…
RT @DragonflyJonez: Ferguson protestors. Regardless of what happens tonight, please know that myself and countless others are immensely pro…
To me, it seems like state and local officials in Ferguson, Missouri already know what the verdict is and are preparing for the worst.
RT @ThatGuyEdub: based on this its not going to be a good day in Ferguson
RT @VRWCTexan: Ferguson Verdict Live on Geraldo - (....As soon as they bust open the vault....) http://t.co/Q7DAi4sQwo