RT @LarrySchweikart: The only explanation I have for why they keep bumping back the announcement in Ferguson is that Sharpton & Jackson hav…
RT @LarrySchweikart: The only explanation I have for why they keep bumping back the announcement in Ferguson is that Sharpton & Jackson hav…
RT @amaditalks: No protestor was hurt in August except ya know, when Mya Aten-White was SHOT IN THE HEAD. A crime Ferguson police WILL NOT …
RT @TheOnion: Heavy Police Presence In Ferguson To Ensure Residents Adequately Provoked http://t.co/LEGNRgGTth http://t.co/veV39r50VC
RT @ashabandele: Remember they called King an outside agitator. History is on your side Ferguson protestors. And morality. We thank and l…
Ferguson residents must be so comforted that their state's government clearly thinks they are inherently violent people.
If the officer was found guilty they wouldn't be putting all this security in Ferguson.
New post: "Preparing for the Worst -- State of Emergency - Ferguson, Missouri " http://t.co/vjIIgMW58z
“@latimes: LAPD "paying close attention" to Ferguson decision, prepared to deploy extra patrols if needed http://t.co/SwdOK5cBD3”
RT @DragonflyJonez: Ferguson protestors. Regardless of what happens tonight, please know that myself and countless others are immensely pro…
RT @ShaunKing: How can @GovJayNixon sincerely call for peace when @RoordaJ is his closest ally? Corruption personified. See more @ http://…