Watch Live: Missouri Governor Speaks Ahead of Ferguson Grand Jury Announcement
Watch Live: Missouri Governor Speaks Ahead of Ferguson Grand Jury Announcement
RT @RedCupRashad: Calling in the Army National Guard sends a very poor message to the black community in Ferguson.
RT @jason_howerton: Tonight, stay w/ us here ---> @TheBlazeNOW for live updates on situation in Ferguson as in Michael Brown grand jury dec…
RT @lilduval: I bet the people in the ferguson court house arguing bout who gon go out there announce it. "You go out there"
I hope they find this Cop guilty in Ferguson, because honestly it would be much safer!
So much emotional barricading happening right now. Everywhere. Across the country, in Ferguson, and in the Brown home especially, right now.
Jury reaches decision in Ferguson shooting - SBS:
RT @lilduval: They in the ferguson courthouse playing "not it"
I feel like the police in Ferguson want it to be unpeaceful... Why do this at night instead of the day time? It's a conspiracy.
I'm scared to see what Ferguson is going be like at 9:01 tonight