RT @JamilSmith: Whether or not if grand juries deny black lives’ sanctity, @ethiopiennesays we need to keep repeating that we matter. http:…
RT @JamilSmith: Whether or not if grand juries deny black lives’ sanctity, @ethiopiennesays we need to keep repeating that we matter. http:…
RT @nvlevy: These 2 Men Ran 540 Miles From Atlanta To Ferguson In Memory Of Michael Brown
turn up at 8 in Ferguson. 's get it.
RT @vicenews: Pentagon orders military to avoid St. Louis area ahead of Ferguson grand jury decision:…
RT @TheTinaVasquez: When you see Ferguson PD armed like it's war, say thanks to a Pentagon program that gives military gear to local PD for…
Just saying, CBS better not cut out of the game for the Ferguson announcing at 9
RT @lilduval: They in the ferguson courthouse playing "not it"
RT @juliebosman: As of 5 p.m., Darren Wilson had not received a phone call from the prosecutor's office asking him to turn himself in: http…
"@_____ashbash: If that officer is pronounced not guilty the riots in Ferguson will be 1000 times worst"
@MahirOmeragic getting pumped for ferguson