RT @cnnbrk: Officials are expected to address situation in #Ferguson soon. Watch live on CNN.
RT @cnnbrk: Officials are expected to address situation in #Ferguson soon. Watch live on CNN.
RT @ABC7News: Ahead of #Ferguson decision, UMD students protest against M16 rifles, armored truck on campus: http://…
RT @GlobalRevLive: Protests erupt across the country as we brace to the #Ferguson Grand Jury Decision #FergusonEverywhere LIVE on http://t.…
RT @mettawordlife83: Constitutional violations by police have already started in #Ferguson. Extra-judicial arrests of protestors being made…
Asking for peace and restraint three hours before the announcement is made shows what the verdict is, idiots. #ferguson
RT @MusicOverPeople: We urge him to shut the fuck up RT @Reuters BREAKING: President Obama urges those who wish to protest in #Ferguson to …
Watching Charlie Dooley speak. #Ferguson
.@npratc is udpating news from #Ferguson thoughout the evening. Grand Jury decision expected. Gov. calls for calm.
RT @KHOU: Oregon cops ordered to remove "I am Darren Wilson" posts from Facebook #ferguson #michaelbrown…
RT @VanJones68: "Regardless of the outcome, this entire process has been a farce, inside a cruel joke, wrapped in an insult." @VanJones68 #…