Yea I think the police officer over reacted but y'all need to calm the fuck down #Ferguson
Yea I think the police officer over reacted but y'all need to calm the fuck down #Ferguson
RT @Russian_Starr: You can't play up your blackness at my church and tell me about black fatherhood on one day but say boo about racism in …
RT @nickpistor: St. Louis county exec Dooley says he doesn't want people to have to board up windows and doors. Yet that's happening in Cla…
RT @Jeff_G_Nixon: #Ferguson Grand Jury set to tell kids Santa ain't real. Official announcement expected on Christmas Eve @absrdNEWS
RT @Soulbeauti1: Some are hurt. Some are angry. Some want justice. #Ferguson
Praying for the citizens of #Ferguson All in all God knows if he is innocent or not. The true "grand" jury is not here on Earth.
"No one was hurt." BULLSHIT! #Ferguson
RT @wicked_cricket: @mollyrosestl @deray I cry tears of grief and frustration. my heart bleeds for the suffering families and communities. …
@FoxNews cutting to commercial during Nixon's speech. Nice coverage. #Ferguson
RT @mettawordlife83: Constitutional violations by police have already started in #Ferguson. Extra-judicial arrests of protestors being made…