With that, the presser ends. Now, we wait. #Ferguson
With that, the presser ends. Now, we wait. #Ferguson
RT @deray: It's incredible how nobody talks about Mike Brown in these press conferences. But they talk about property. Tons. #Ferguson
RT @GlobalRevLive: #Ferguson Copwatcher Arrested! David Whitt was targeted and arrested earlier today. http://t.c…
RT @sarasidnerCNN: Few people push over police barricades. Police arrive. Then Crowd prays, then chants begin. Outside #Ferguson PD http://…
RT @donnabrazile: #Ferguson - we are sending you our thoughts and prayers.
RT @donnabrazile: #Ferguson - we are sending you our thoughts and prayers.
RT @akacharleswade: “@ItsTahiraJoy: Praying for peace. Praying for the safety of my friend @akacharleswade on the ground. #Ferguson” thank …
RT @zellieimani: Bruh how the Revolution Communist Party get into the press conference? Tears. #Ferguson
RT @donnabrazile: #Ferguson - we are sending you our thoughts and prayers.
RT @aklagsbrun: Don't "pray for peace". Work for justice. #STL #Ferguson