RT @RachelMarieLuv: I just hope people don't get too violent tonight. Emotions are high and shit can get out of control so fast. #Ferguson
RT @RachelMarieLuv: I just hope people don't get too violent tonight. Emotions are high and shit can get out of control so fast. #Ferguson
RT @NYCLightBrigade: Starting to get set up in Union Square at #Ferguson solidarity rally
RT @deray: Reporter asks how Nixon will work to fix racial divide. Nixon responds that this work has already begun, talked to clergy. #Ferg…
RT @RealLifeKaz: Pretty much lol "@PoeticMoment: !!!!!! “@sierrashante: #Ferguson”"
RT @byjoelanderson: Asked what he would do to heal the area's racial divide, Nixon said "we ... have begun that process." #Ferguson
RT @Crosscut: "I personally believe people in this community will do what is right" -Charlie Dooley, County Executive #Ferguson
Everybody knows there will be no indictment...this process has been shady from the get go #Ferguson
RT @mazzie: Yup. St. Louis MAYOR just said their FIRST CONCERN is to protect people who DISAGREE with protestors. #whitesupremacy #Ferguson
RT @Justsay_low: I can't wait for the verdict #Ferguson
“@NYScanner: NYC: NYPD Officer's are on citywide tactical alert ahead of #Ferguson announcement. Riot Police staging at Union Square.”