Mother I again seat myself to pen a few lines to apprise you of my welfair
Doils plantation L.A.
July 17th [?] [18]64
I again seat myself to pen a few lines to you to apprise you of my welfair[.] well I have ben quite sick for the last 2 weeks with the feveragure [fever ague] but am a goodele [good deal] better now so you neede not fret about me. Well I reseived a litter [letter] from you this weeke with some needels[,] thread and beeswax. Well mother I have ben home sick for the first time since I left home and you better believe that I would of given eny thing to see home. It is a great mistry [mystery] to me to know wheat made me enlist but I suppose that it was to be so. Something put it into my head that I must enlist and I could not give it up until I had enlisted[.] I suppose that it was the Lords will to make me see how dear a home was and I have found out to my sorrow and I want you and Father to forgive me for thinking that you did not provide me a good home for I think now that it was a goodele better than I deserved. I wrote you a long time ago wanting to know the directions to write to Norm Davis but have reseived no answer[,] I wish you would let me know if you can. When you write let me know all about home and how they get along a haying[.] this from your son