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Home Well I resume my pen once more

Home  Well I resume my pen once more
Home  Well I resume my pen once more
Home  Well I resume my pen once more
Home  Well I resume my pen once more


Sunderland, Darwin
Sunderland, Darwin
Culpepper, VA
Original letter: ink on paper, 4 p.


Camp 106 Regt N.Y.S.V.

   Near Culpepper Sept 27/63

Well I resume my pen once more to communicate my wants to you. We are still hear and  keeping eight days ration good yet.  I am as well as can be expected under the presant situation.  I have jest finished a log shanty in which I now live.  I think the prospect is pretty good for us to stay hear a little whille for Lee’s army is reduced some by Hill & Longstreet['s] corps going to reinforce Bragg down in georgia.  Our army is also lessened by the 11 & 12 A.C. going to reinforce Rosenbraus at the same place [.] I think the fighting will most of it be done that way this fall[.] I think the sufferings of Lee’s army on the Potomac will be sufficient to wear it out this winter and he is so closely watched that he can not go to Maryland to get supplies this fall[.] Our army is considerably the largest hear now and the rebs are aware of it and for that reason they lay pretty quiet.  We do not get much news hear now of the siege at Charleston but we trust that Gillmer is doing his best thare “at least one hope so,” I had a good long letter from Cousin’s Miles & Levesia last night.  They were all well and Levesia is vext enough to think that none of you have been to see them for more than a year[.]
Now for what I want.  I want you to Box and send to me immediately a small box of necessaries
1 two quart coffe pot
10 lbs Butter as near that
1 “ Green tea
1 P [pair] Boots if made
3 or 4 lbs Maple shugar if you have it
1pt Bottle of Brandy market bitters
A few lbs cheese if you can get it
3 or 4 lbs Honey if you have it.
1 2 quart pail with cover
¼ lb Cayne pepper (bad spelling)
1 Package of medicine such as you sent before made by Chandlier
1 Pr shoulder braces if they can be-had
You had better pack these things in a little dry saw dust[.] do not send any cakes unless they be cookies[,] for damp cakes may spoil before I can get them[.] Be shure and have the saw dust thouraly dry[.]  Now I want these things sent as soon as you can get the things together and do not wait for another letter from me.  and as soon as we get our pay I will pay you for you[r] trouble[.] if we should move I will write to you and if you get it why then delay sending but make all posable haste and get it ready and send[.] if you do not hear from me before you get it ready, thare is one thing I omitted[.] send 2 Doz segars, if convenient[.]  With these remarks I will close and I guess you will not want to hear from me again if I want as much again.  please [e]xcuse me for this time[.] No more at presant.  from your Son

 D. W. Sunderland

[On top left corner of first page of original letter]
P.S. A few dried fruits if you have them. Put up in a little bag, also a spool of linen thread an three or four large needles D.W.S.

General Daniel Harvey Hill C.S.A.  After defending Richmond during the battle of Gettysburg, his division was sent to Chickamauga to support General Bragg.

Senior Lieutenant General James Longstreet C.S.A. After his blunder at “Pickett’s Charge” during the battle of Gettysburg, two of his divisions (McLaws’ Division and Hood’s Division) and Jenkins’ Brigade of Pickett’s Division were sent to support General Bragg at Chickamauga.

General Braxton Bragg C.S.A., commader of the Army of Tennessee.

11th and 12th Army Corps of the Army of the Potomac.  General Grant sent them to reinforce Rosencrans.

Major General William Starke Rosencrans U.S.A., commander of the Army of the Cumberland from October 30, 1862 to October 20, 1863.

Rosencrans forced Bragg’s Army out of their position in the fortified railroad center of Chattanooga, Tenn., and out of the town.  Both Rosencrans and Bragg called for reinforcements to cover their losses.  In the end, Bragg’s Army with their new reinforcements from Hill and Longstreet far outnumbered Rosencrans.  On the 19th and 20th of September in 1863 at Chikamauga creek, Bragg defeated Rosencrans’ Army in a battle that resulted in over 35,000 casualties.  This battle cost Rosencrans his command of the Army of the Cumberland.  Chikamauga creek was thereafter nicknamed “The River of Death”.



Rights Management: 
Original materials may be protected by the Copyright Law of the United States (more information).
Date Original (Precise): 
September 27, 1863


Digitization Specifications: 
Scanned at 600ppi on Epson 1000XL scanner as 48-bit RGB uncompressed TIFF images. Images resized to 960 pixels wide, 150 dpi, and saved as JPEG (level 10) in Photoshop CS5 with Unsharp Mask of 60:1.
Date Digital: 
September 28, 2011

