Question: How would the twitter community react to the shooting of Mike Brown a year after the shooting? How has Ferguson coped? Is there still a buzz for justice from the people in Ferguson ?
Analyzing my word cloud: My keyword search involved the words "Cops OR Police OR Murder Or Mike Brown OR Ferguson". My word cloud displayed showed #Ferguson was heavily used during the time period between the day Mike Brown was shot and a year since he was shot. The word cloud helped show the a large amount of common themes on police brutality, increase in police presence, an increase in looting, and the unrest in Ferguson as a result of increased force. The tweets made it appear there was a heavy amount of police presence from other towns in Missouri coming to help their fellow cops in Ferguson. When the cops arrived it led to more unrest by the people and led to an increase in looting and anger towards the cops. Many people were re-tweeting a tweet that stated " If press and police left Ferguson right now, the sidewalks and parking lots in #Ferguson could be described as empty". I believe this tweet is a statement to the overwhelming presence of force that came to city in order to take control of Ferguson. The results of my research were different from my initial impression because I figured their would be more anger in the twitter community slightly after the shooting and leading up to the one year anniversary. My implications were wrong because most of the tweets ended shortly after thanksgiving. There were no tweets leading up to the one year anniversary of the murder of Mike Brown. I think those tweets could have been hidden, and I think tweets of how police were treating protesters were also downplayed or hidden. We can relate the issues from the results in pulsar to the Big Data article because the due to having a large database many tweets could have been dwindled out due to my keyword search. Due to the dwindling their could be hidden results due to my request for a more specific search.
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