RT @SemperFiCop: BREAKING: NYPD & LAPD Issue Citywide Tactical Alert and Protests Already Underway in NY Ahead of #Ferguson -…
RT @SemperFiCop: BREAKING: NYPD & LAPD Issue Citywide Tactical Alert and Protests Already Underway in NY Ahead of #Ferguson -…
RT @DorothyGrissom: "A white teen was killed. Let's loot and burn down our own town," said no person ever. #Ferguson #tgdn #tcot #pjnet
Smart move to wait until it's dark & a big crowd assembles to announce grand jury decision. #Ferguson #tlot #tcot
RT @RWSurferGirl: Early Black Friday Shopping in #Ferguson tonight. 100% OFF EVERYTHING! #tcot @Amonstersmom1
RT @fredwimpy: Let's pray for peace tonight in #Ferguson #tcot
RT @MediaJuggernaut: #Ferguson Protesters Vandalize 100 Year-Old CIVIL RIGHTS MEMORIAL Via:GatewayPundit #TCOT http:…
RT @RWSurferGirl: Obama is so concerned about rioting in #Ferguson, today he shot his 103rd golf game. #tcot
RT @a_planet_irl: Shocking images of the property destruction going on in Ferguson #tcot @toddstarnes
RT @TooMarvelously: ZING! “@YoungCons: I wouldn't be surprised to hear liberals actually say this...” #tcot #Ferguson
RT @RWSurferGirl: I feel bad for the locals who had nothing to do with any of this, yet have lived under this cloud for 3 months. #Ferguson…