I bet they found that cop not guilty smh ferguson going to be off the shits tonight. #prayforferguson
I bet they found that cop not guilty smh ferguson going to be off the shits tonight. #prayforferguson
RT @brianamilller: I bet they found that cop not guilty smh ferguson going to be off the shits tonight. #prayforferguson
"It's time to turn to each other, not on each other." I'm glad that #Ferguson is protecting peaceful protesting. #PrayForFerguson
Bruh they already got the National Guard ready...smh We know the Verdict. #ArrestDarrenWilson #Ferguson #PrayForFerguson
RT @brianamilller: I bet they found that cop not guilty smh ferguson going to be off the shits tonight. #prayforferguson
Regardless of the verdict my heart and prayers go out to the residents of Ferguson. #prayforferguson
Pray for Ferguson. #prayforferguson #pray #dignity #honor #respect
Making a decision after dark??? OK But you don't want rioting and danger? #whodoesthat #Ferguson #prayforferguson
Ferguson is a real-life metaphor for racial tensions in America that's why we are all so nervous. #prayforferguson #prayforAmerica
RT @portiabgrlmusic: Making a decision after dark??? OK But you don't want rioting and danger? #whodoesthat #Ferguson #prayforferguson