If your gonna wait til nite to tell the people of ferguson the verdict...then yes expect the worse...why not the A.M.?
If your gonna wait til nite to tell the people of ferguson the verdict...then yes expect the worse...why not the A.M.?
RT @DragonflyJonez: Ferguson protestors. Regardless of what happens tonight, please know that myself and countless others are immensely pro…
RT @washingtonpost: St. Louis Mayor: Protesters have right to assemble, but violence and property damage will not be tolerated…
Reading the Facebook comments about the Grand Jury of the Ferguson case, Majority of people are blaming solely black people for the riots.
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RT @MajorNews911: PHOTO: Crowd grows to about 100 at Ferguson police department. - @FOX2now
RT @ZoDelk: The shit goin on in ferguson is kind of fishy.. government already kno the verdict
RT @Rschooley: Ferguson is like some sort of weird experiment in what happens if authorities do everything as wrong as they possibly can.
RT @DLoesch: Why is Ferguson mayor absent at presser? Slay doesn't rep that city. Ferguson city manager controls PD -- not mayor.
RT @charlesjaco1: No no-fly zone over Ferguson now. Watching live pics from local TV helos over Ferguson PD. Crowd slowly growing.