RT @Amyloukingery: Media covers up Obama, Holder interference in Ferguson probe: Report via @examinercom
RT @Amyloukingery: Media covers up Obama, Holder interference in Ferguson probe: Report via @examinercom
RT @vicenews: We talk to a wine store owner in Clayton, Mo. as he prepares for the grand jury decision:…
RT @TeaPartyCat: BREAKING: Grand jury in Ferguson says it has reached decision on whether police are allowed to shoot black men for no reas…
RT @ConservativeWD: Obama calls for calm after Ferguson decision, sees improved US race relations via the @FoxNews App…
so basically the national institute of anti police brutality center should be built in ferguson, missouri since its the fucking epicenter
very scared to see the state of panic/chaos in Ferguson tonight if the verdict is exactly what any1 would expect it to be
RT @Cocoa_Cheeks_: Amen RT @Sthrn_Drawl: God.... Watch over Ferguson and the protestors tonight. May justice be served.
RT @Nettaaaaaaaa: Nixon is absolutely OUT OF HIS MIND if he thinks any protester shut down the electricity in Ferguson on halloween. STOP L…
@AntonioFrench how trusting they are of Ferguson people
When I went to Ferguson, the spirit & passion of the folks out there is Maaaan. The pain. Just everything. Black lives matter.