RT @mayanewsome: pray for ferguson. pray for peace. pray for justice. pray for reconciliation. pray for passion to stay alive.
RT @mayanewsome: pray for ferguson. pray for peace. pray for justice. pray for reconciliation. pray for passion to stay alive.
RT @LeeStrobel: Praying for peace and justice in Ferguson as grand jury's decision comes. May the Christian community model grace and truth.
I take a nap and wake up to news of snow... Ferguson trial is about to be released...
A protest is planned for Westlake at 6 once the Ferguson grand jury decision is announced & traffic will be impacted... Get off work early!
RT @ABC: WATCH LIVE: Missouri Gov. Nixon news conference on Ferguson decision http://t.co/s6HSHJrFWJ
Anyone know why they're planning the Ferguson announcement for 9pm? @beardtalk any thoughts?
Ferguson grand jury reaches decision: A US grand jury is set to hand down its long-awaited decison on whether ... http://t.co/9X7Rh8abbs
RT @zerohedge: Missouri governor Jay Nixon speaking now ahead of the Jury's Decision http://t.co/53u0EXfPE3
RT @brianstelter: When the Ferguson decision comes tonight, Stephanopoulos/Williams/Pelley will anchor special reports on ABC/NBC/CBS.
Fuck Ferguson officials and their Governor so much.