1 question @NJWRobinson do you think destroying Ferguson the schools the businesses and burning down houses and killing the police will help
1 question @NJWRobinson do you think destroying Ferguson the schools the businesses and burning down houses and killing the police will help
RT @DragonflyJonez: Ferguson protestors. Regardless of what happens tonight, please know that myself and countless others are immensely pro…
RT @realDonaldTrump: Why would they announce a finding of the grand jury in Ferguson at 9:00 in the evening - a prime time for riots! Not s…
RT @juliebosman: As of 5 p.m., Darren Wilson had not received a phone call from the prosecutor's office asking him to turn himself in: http…
RT @FirstGentleman: This Ferguson press conference sounds like they're preparing us for a negative verdict.
RT @JuddLegum: These two men just ran 550 miles, from Atlanta to Michael Brown’s memorial In Ferguson http://t.co/cvEysSP876 http://t.co/mE…
RT @Donnie_Boi: Lol...on G'z...RT @lilduval: I bet the people in the ferguson court house arguing bout who gon go out there announce it. "Y…
RT @MarkAgee: Before whatever happens in Ferguson, remember this was Vancouver last time they won the hockey skatey trophy thingy http://t.…
It sounds as though it's a foregone conclusion what the Grand Jury's decision is in Ferguson before it's announced. Someone already knows.
It's impressive how people that weren't in Ferguson know whether or not Darren Wilson is innocent/guilty. Violence isn't the answer.