RT @PhenomenaLi__: No. RT @alneeZy: "the tv I got on Black Friday was a steal!" -ferguson citizen
RT @PhenomenaLi__: No. RT @alneeZy: "the tv I got on Black Friday was a steal!" -ferguson citizen
“@JivTlkNChoirBoy: Ferguson Governor basically said bring on the riot niggas” wait what lol
RT @weknowwhatsbest: Protesters against racism in Ferguson want a conviction of the white cop regardless of the evidence. But they are 100%…
RT @LifeOf_Tay: Just lifted Ferguson and all of our people up in prayer. It's needed
RT @BlissTabitha: Ferguson Protester Tells Reporter: “We Ready For War, We Have 9mms, 40 Cals, AK-47s”…
RT @bj116: Pray for Ferguson. Pray for the protestors & the police. All deserve honor. All deserve dignity. All deserve Equality, not super…
RT @TheRevAl: I will respond to the grand jury decision- 9:15pm ET press conference tonight, watch live: / http://t…
RT @washingtonpost: President Obama on Ferguson: "Keep protests peaceful"
Regardless, let's pray for peace in Ferguson lest a bloodbath ensue.
As a Christian I understand no matter what happens in Washington or ferguson or where ever...God makes the final decision