RT @washingtonpost: Missouri Gov. Nixon: We're focused on making sure resources are available to protect safety, property and free speech h…
RT @washingtonpost: Missouri Gov. Nixon: We're focused on making sure resources are available to protect safety, property and free speech h…
RT @washingtonpost: Ferguson grand jury decision will be announced at 8 p.m. Central time, St. Louis County prosecutor's office says
RT @ChiefElk: Free The People Fight The Power Fuck The Police. Free Marissa and Ferguson solidarity.
RT @sarah_bassil_: Ferguson verdict to be announced at 9.
RT @DragonflyJonez: Ferguson protestors. Regardless of what happens tonight, please know that myself and countless others are immensely pro…
RT @jimosman: All quiet outside the WH. Security barriers in place. Law enforcement presence. Awaiting Ferguson decision. @wusa9 http://t.c…
National Guard will be in Ferguson tonight according to Governor Nixon.
RT @GreggyStardust: At a ferguson subway, overwhelming sense of community. Everyone is waiting. Hopeful but realistic.
why the keep pushing back the release time for the decision in the Ferguson shooting ?
I'll be glad when all this ferguson stuff is over and done with