RT @komonews: Gov. Jay Nixon calls for peace and restraint as the Ferguson grand jury decision is announced tonight.
RT @komonews: Gov. Jay Nixon calls for peace and restraint as the Ferguson grand jury decision is announced tonight.
@LeslieMarshall @MarkLevineTalk if you can pray for Ferguson why can't you pray in school?
Ferguson grand jury announcement is gonna make the south explode.
RT @FeuxPManning: Grand Jury Decision at 9 PM. MNF starts at 8:30. Good move, Ferguson
Ferguson Governor basically said bring on the riot niggas
RT @HayekandHockey: If people in Ferguson riot, I hope they only destroy government property
RT @weknowwhatsbest: Protesters against racism in Ferguson want a conviction of the white cop regardless of the evidence. But they are 100%…
RT @DragonflyJonez: Ferguson protestors. Regardless of what happens tonight, please know that myself and countless others are immensely pro…
RT @NettaFinesse: 2 Atlanta men ran 550 miles from Atlanta to Ferguson for Mike Brown’s memorial. Londrelle Hall & Ray Mills, god bless htt…
RT @_purrfectionist: Lord knows if they do not rule this case correctly, Ferguson is going to go OFF. Smh