RT @michellemalkin: Narcissistic lib journos & exhibitionist MSNBC anchors covering Ferguson make Kardashians look positively ascetic.
RT @michellemalkin: Narcissistic lib journos & exhibitionist MSNBC anchors covering Ferguson make Kardashians look positively ascetic.
The Ferguson verdict will be whispered into a paper cup some time after midnight - stay tuned for more info.
RT @BET: The Grand Jury is set to release the decision to indict Darren Wilson for killing Mike Brown: http://t.co/vTKRMrVrBO http://t.co/i…
RT @NotBillWalton: These scary bureaucrats in Ferguson are the equivalent of the white lady on the elevator clutching her purse when a blac…
RT @lilduval: I bet the people in the ferguson court house arguing bout who gon go out there announce it. "You go out there"
RT @lilduval: I bet the people in the ferguson court house arguing bout who gon go out there announce it. "You go out there"
RT @MarkAgee: Before whatever happens in Ferguson, remember this was Vancouver last time they won the hockey skatey trophy thingy http://t.…
RT @IngaNandiwillis: White Fear is the #1 killer in America. Period. its phone calls can get you killed in Walmart or on the streets of Fer…
RT @madflavor: Attention Black People....Get Deebo down to Ferguson......Its going down tonight....9PM....
RT @weknowwhatsbest: Protesters against racism in Ferguson want a conviction of the white cop regardless of the evidence. But they are 100%…