did he just compare ferguson to thanksgiving.
did he just compare ferguson to thanksgiving.
Announcement of the Grand Jury decision on whether to indict Ferguson Off. Darren Wilson expected at 9EST ....
RT @NBCNews: WATCH LIVE: Missouri governor speaks ahead of Ferguson grand jury’s decision
RT @madflavor: Attention Black People....Get Deebo down to Ferguson......Its going down tonight....9PM....
RT @PzFeed: A timeline of events so far from Ferguson - Stay with @PzFeed for the latest.
Honestly the ferguson thing makes me cry
Ready to go protest in Ferguson. *picks up rock*
Of course im crying watching that video of those 2 guys who ran from Atlanta to Ferguson
If I lived in ferguson id fuck shit up if bruh is found innocent on mamas I would
RT @JuddLegum: These two men just ran 550 miles, from Atlanta to Michael Brown’s memorial In Ferguson…