@rickyresee shit I'ma miss the ferguson decision and I ain't eat dinner but alright let me know when you pullin up to the door
@rickyresee shit I'ma miss the ferguson decision and I ain't eat dinner but alright let me know when you pullin up to the door
RT @msnbc: LIVE VIDEO: Gov. Jay Nixon speaks on Ferguson’s upcoming grand jury decision http://t.co/802lzIWVcp http://t.co/8mWk7yxVth
May be in poor taste, but I wonder if Black Friday sales will start early in Ferguson tomorrow?
With the announcement of National Guard securing buildings in Ferguson and this BS press conference .. Basically he's gonna get away with it
RT @fivefifths: I love you all. People in Ferguson. People who have helped, are helping or will help, you have my deepest gratitude.
RT @NBCLA: JUST IN: LAPD beefs up patrols to prevent potential unrest when Ferguson grand jury makes its decision at 6 p.m. PT http://t.co/…
RT @brycecovert: No matter what happens tonight, this is what the fight for justice in Ferguson will look like moving forward: http://t.co/…
I don't know one person who lives in Ferguson, but my heart is heavy because whatever the outcome, I just want it to get better for them.
RT @DragonflyJonez: Ferguson protestors. Regardless of what happens tonight, please know that myself and countless others are immensely pro…
Grand jury reaches decision in Ferguson shooting http://t.co/jcNQmiC3M6