RT @DAnderson42: "@ThatManBryant28: This is WILDDDD RT @scottbix: Reminder: Ferguson, Missouri, is 67.4% black. http://t.co/mblHjd1jGj"
RT @DAnderson42: "@ThatManBryant28: This is WILDDDD RT @scottbix: Reminder: Ferguson, Missouri, is 67.4% black. http://t.co/mblHjd1jGj"
RT @bj116: Pray for Ferguson. Pray for the protestors & the police. All deserve honor. All deserve dignity. All deserve Equality, not super…
I hope my white friends will at least acknowledge the Ferguson verdict on their FB pages. It's the least ya'll can do.
Race and policing in America: As the father of an African-American son, I was shocked by the shooting death of... http://t.co/hmujMvndol
They are not filing charges on the cop in ferguson!! You can already tell by the way they are talking
RT @theames: Good god. I'm not saying being nice is never effective. I'm saying, black people in Ferguson don't owe anyone niceness. A boy …
RT @thinkprogress: Meet the two men who just ran 550 miles, from Atlanta to Michael Brown’s memorial In Ferguson http://t.co/GVRY3qF6Kw htt…
RT @DragonflyJonez: Ferguson protestors. Regardless of what happens tonight, please know that myself and countless others are immensely pro…
RT @HuffPostDetroit: Stevie Wonder: Cops are supposed to "serve and protect" not "kill and get off" http://t.co/MM8M1AUzNn
RT @DragonflyJonez: Ferguson protestors. Regardless of what happens tonight, please know that myself and countless others are immensely pro…