RT @MarkAgee: Before whatever happens in Ferguson, remember this was Vancouver last time they won the hockey skatey trophy thingy http://t.…
RT @MarkAgee: Before whatever happens in Ferguson, remember this was Vancouver last time they won the hockey skatey trophy thingy http://t.…
I told my dad I was getting ready to go out and he said "You better not be going to ferguson"
I don't like the jokes/memes being made about the situation in Ferguson... There is NOTHING comical about it. At all...
RT @GlobalGrind: 2 men run over 500 miles from Atlanta to Ferguson to honor Michael Brown
Protestors in ferguson have been peaceful all of this time! Talk to your fucking police!
RT @bj116: Pray for Ferguson. Pray for the protestors & the police. All deserve honor. All deserve dignity. All deserve Equality, not super…
RT @TyreeBP: So let me put this out here before the grand jury decision is released in Ferguson, Mo. Why are they releasing the decision at…
It's almost like I don't need to hear the Ferguson Grand Jury verdict, because I'm pretty sure I know what's going to happen.
Denver Mayor Michael Hancock says he expects peaceful protests when the Grand Jury's decision is released tonight in Ferguson Missouri.
Why is the National Guard already in Ferguson if they didn't "know" what the verdict would be????