Ferguson grand jury's decision to be announced shortly. Thoughts with the people. May justice prevail.
Ferguson grand jury's decision to be announced shortly. Thoughts with the people. May justice prevail.
Too many people have made a decision about this Ferguson fiasco based on emotions. Take a step back and wait to see the evidence before
If no charges filed, people in Ferguson need to chill. Easier said than done, but taking anger out on innocent things/people won't help it.
Ferguson gon be outta control if this shit don't go right. ..
WATCH LIVE: Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon addresses tensions in Ferguson
WPSD-TV: WATCH LIVE NOW: Missouri governor Jay Nixon on preparations for the Ferguson Gra...
RT @SethSalt: RT @LauraWalkerKC: Ferguson: St. Louis County prosecutor will release records if no indictment: via @…
RT @LeeStrobel: Praying for peace and justice in Ferguson as grand jury's decision comes. May the Christian community model grace and truth.
RT @DragonflyJonez: Ferguson protestors. Regardless of what happens tonight, please know that myself and countless others are immensely pro…
Protests small but growing...