Trust me I'm hip lol "@SheeshKirb: That nigga gives no fucks lol “@bitchiainplayin: If I was Obama I'd take a day off n head to Ferguson”"
Trust me I'm hip lol "@SheeshKirb: That nigga gives no fucks lol “@bitchiainplayin: If I was Obama I'd take a day off n head to Ferguson”"
the kkk is supposedly standing outside where the ferguson trial is being held. how disgusting and disrespectful.
Is Ferguson burning?
So when are they gonna come out with this ferguson verdict?
RT @NYTNational: News media trucks outside the county courthouse in Clayton, Mo., on Monday.
“@NYTNational: News media trucks outside the county courthouse in Clayton,” Вот это оружие!
This presser about Ferguson is just prefacing that there is going to be insane rioting after this announcement. Horrible.
Breaking news in Ferguson:
RT @RantingOwl: Right now Ferguson is wrapping itself in armor to protect from "violence." Everyone on the ground knows the real violence w…
RT @TylerIAm: I know Ferguson tired of being told to "stay calm"