@Governor Nixon already doing The White Wash! @Ferguson
@Governor Nixon already doing The White Wash! @Ferguson
RT @CTVNews: Grand jury reaches decision in Ferguson case; announcement at 9 p.m. ET
Ferguson GrandJury,Details&Responsibilities Are Abundant “Most defense lawyers wuidnt let client go near Grand Jury"
RT @RawStory: WATCH LIVE: Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon addresses tensions in Ferguson
@TeapotSamurai the cop who killed the guy in Ferguson.
The issue of race relations in Ferguson
I can only imagine the shit storm that will hit Cleveland after Ferguson grand jury makes it decision.
RT @SumGirl_: I really hope them people in Ferguson don't make it hard for themselves by acting crazy
every time my aunt talks about ferguson i just. god nnnOOOOOO,,,,, she's one of the ppl who is like 'it's not about race' her exact words b4
the cop in ferguson deserves jail time hands down and anyone who says different is deluded