RT @mdotbrown: Thought Catalog will almost assuredly troll you tonight with some SEO racism on Ferguson. Don't click the link, please.
RT @mdotbrown: Thought Catalog will almost assuredly troll you tonight with some SEO racism on Ferguson. Don't click the link, please.
RT @zerohedge: Missouri governor Jay Nixon speaking now ahead of the Jury's Decision http://t.co/53u0EXfPE3
RT @SuburbanOthello: Why is everybody worried about protecting property in Ferguson but nobody is protecting our lives?
#DOMA# Police building barricaded http://t.co/PImRHZk9lV
RT @BreezyWasted: Y'all thought Beyonce & Kim broke the Internet. Just wait on this verdict for this Ferguson case.
RT @felinegurl: Y'know, since the person in Ferguson who """"randomly"""" picked the grand jury obviously can't fucking do math
I really hope Ferguson doesn't get really ugly if they decide not to indict Wilson
RT @DirtyWatters55: Ravens and Ferguson I need 2 tvs
RT @lilduval: They in the ferguson courthouse playing "not it"
RT @realDonaldTrump: Why would they announce a finding of the grand jury in Ferguson at 9:00 in the evening - a prime time for riots! Not s…