RT @realDonaldTrump: Why would they announce a finding of the grand jury in Ferguson at 9:00 in the evening - a prime time for riots! Not s…
RT @realDonaldTrump: Why would they announce a finding of the grand jury in Ferguson at 9:00 in the evening - a prime time for riots! Not s…
RT @TeachersPet_: Ferguson about to start world war 3
RT @cdp0126: I hope everyone in Ferguson thinks before they act tonight no matter what the decision is.
I don't look at Ferguson as black or white . Its about justice because if you kill a cop you got 2 choices death or life in prison
RT @Newsweek: Awareness-raising Run for Justice from ATL to Ferguson provides alternative to stereotypes — http://t…
How many times do I have to read when the ferguson grand jury decision will be
RT @washingtonpost: St. Louis County executive Charlie Dooley: "I want people to think with their heads, and not with emotion."…
I hope they get it right this time or Ferguson gon look like Iraq tonight
@jaketapper which is more on edge: ferguson or cnn? Sorry, but your net seems foaming at the mouth over possibility of conflict.
RT @mdotbrown: Thought Catalog will almost assuredly troll you tonight with some SEO racism on Ferguson. Don't click the link, please.