if the wrong outcome is announced I'm packing my bags and going to ferguson
if the wrong outcome is announced I'm packing my bags and going to ferguson
RT @DragonflyJonez: Ferguson protestors. Regardless of what happens tonight, please know that myself and countless others are immensely pro…
RT @Aljazeera_TV: Preparing for the Worst -- State of Emergency - Ferguson, Missouri
RT @fivefifths: I love you all. People in Ferguson. People who have helped, are helping or will help, you have my deepest gratitude.
RT @ShaunKing: How can @GovJayNixon sincerely call for peace when @RoordaJ is his closest ally? Corruption personified. See more @ http://…
RT @DragonflyJonez: Ferguson protestors. Regardless of what happens tonight, please know that myself and countless others are immensely pro…
RT @RYOTnews: The grand jury has finally made up its mind in Ferguson:
I truly hope everyone stays safe in Ferguson, MO tonight.
They pissing me off they making me wish I was in ferguson with a gun tf
Anticipating the jury's decision in Ferguson tonight...