RT @ZaidJilani: Has president obama issued a statement on the right of ferguson's police to defend themselves yet
RT @ZaidJilani: Has president obama issued a statement on the right of ferguson's police to defend themselves yet
RT @lilduval: They in the ferguson courthouse playing "not it"
RT @lilduval: They in the ferguson courthouse playing "not it"
RT @mattdpearce: A GUIDE TO FERGUSON The shooting: The issues: The grand jury:…
Police building barricaded
RT @NYAmNews: As the nation waits for a decision in Ferguson, New York grapples with the NYPD shooting death of Akai Gurley…
My prayers go out to everyone in Ferguson tonight
RT @IngaNandiwillis: White Fear is the #1 killer in America. Period. its phone calls can get you killed in Walmart or on the streets of Fer…
RT @cvmillecvss: Ferguson called the National Guard early because they know that this man is about to walk free & all hell is about to brea…
RT @mattdpearce: That presser was pretty fast — I wanted to ask @GovJayNixon under what conditions officials would request a no-fly zone ar…