RT @LeeStrobel: Praying for peace and justice in Ferguson as grand jury's decision comes. May the Christian community model grace and truth.
RT @LeeStrobel: Praying for peace and justice in Ferguson as grand jury's decision comes. May the Christian community model grace and truth.
Everybody know Darren Wilson not gonna be charged.. Everybody just waiting to riot Ferguson..
RT @FirstGentleman: This Ferguson press conference sounds like they're preparing us for a negative verdict.
RT @scottbix: Ferguson police beat this man, the charged him for getting blood on their uniforms…
That's not what she was saying when she was in ferguson
Michael Brown Grand Jury decision 8pm central time. Ferguson, MO
I’m trying to be hopeful, buy feeling hopeful makes you feel like a fool. I hope Ferguson might surprise me
Missouri governor calls for peace in Ferguson: ST. LOUIS (AP) — Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon is calling for "peace,...
Pray for the best but it's going down in Ferguson tonight