@dstewartwrites 5-10 minutes Depends on traffic. But it isn't just in ferguson. It's all over the city. news doesn't report the half of it
@dstewartwrites 5-10 minutes Depends on traffic. But it isn't just in ferguson. It's all over the city. news doesn't report the half of it
Media doing a countdown to 8pm and the Ferguson decision like it's fucking New Years Eve. And yet still I watch and hope for justice.
"Live Updates: Grand Jury's Decision in the Michael Brown Shooting in Ferguson" by THE N... http://t.co/q5mpo4z9eQ http://t.co/gs7S9P3Blu
RT @RealJohnGray: A 9 pm announcement from Ferguson authorities is political speak for "go get groceries, gas and necessities. Then go home…
RT @felinegurl: Y'know, since the person in Ferguson who """"randomly"""" picked the grand jury obviously can't fucking do math
RT @katz: .@juliebosman reports Wilson's lawyers have deal with prosecutor's office that he'd receive call if indictment coming http://t.co…
RT @jonswaine: Just confirmed by prosecutor's office: press conference to announce decision of grand jury on Ferguson shooting will be at 8…
RT @lilduval: They in the ferguson courthouse playing "not it"
RT @JuddLegum: These two men just ran 550 miles, from Atlanta to Michael Brown’s memorial In Ferguson http://t.co/cvEysSP876 http://t.co/mE…
RT @MichaelSkolnik: Ferguson, STL and Missouri govts + police have all shown more concern about property than about human lives since momen…